Integration & Migration
251-40624 Englisch Auffrischungskurs Niveau B1/B2
Lehrbuch: On Point B2, Upper-Intermediate English (Klett), ab Lektion 4
This course is suitable for all participants who wish to activate their knowledge of English at the B2 level. It is a modern course with new and innovative topics, but traditional in its approach. The course has a clear structure with an in-depth grammar, vocabulary, and skills syllabus, encouraging students to progress.
Lerninhalte: Conversation strategies, social issues, future plans: The next 20 years, a brighter future, fashion through the decades, selfie culture
Grammatik: future forms, future perfect simple and future perfect progressive, passives, have/have got something done, revision of all tenses, comparatives, articles, idioms, revision of past and present perfect simple and progressive forms, adjectives and adverbsVoraussetzung: B1+ / B2 knowledge
Dozentin: Sheila Tuttas
Anmeldung unter:
Weitere Informationen
- Teilnahmebedingungen
- Anmeldung über Link in der Beschreibung erforderlich.
- Kosten
- 90,00 € ab 8 TN / 72 € ab 10 TN
Di., 04.02.2025
09:00 - 10:30 Uhr
15x: Dienstag, 04.02.2025 - voraussichtlich Dienstag, 03.06.2025
55232 Alzey
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 2
Alzey, Kulturzentrum, Lehrküche
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 2
Alzey, Kulturzentrum, Lehrküche
Adresse und Kontakt

Kreisvolkshochschule Alzey-Worms
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 2
55232 Alzey